Gene Cooley: Father-of-two's fiance murdered by jealous ex-husband

February 2024 · 8 minute read

'I am not the person I was made out to be': Father-of-two's life ruined twice after fiancée murdered by jealous ex-husband... then online smear campaign brands HIM a 'drug addicted pervert'


Gene Cooley thought he had been given a second chance at happiness when, as a divorced father-of-two, he fell in love with another woman who he planned to marry.

Along with her young daughter Stephanie, Paulette Harper and Mr Cooley, from Georgia, started to make a new life together and just when he thought everything was perfect, his world collapsed.

On September 11, 2008, while Paulette was napping at home, her ex-husband broke in and shot her before turning the gun on himself.

Ruined: Gene Cooley, from Georgia with fiancee Paulette Harper and her daughter Stephanie. Ms Harper was shot dead by her ex-husband in 2008. After Paulette's death, Mr Cooley's life was made unbearable by an Internet smear campaign

Ruined: Gene Cooley, from Georgia with fiancee Paulette Harper and her daughter Stephanie. Ms Harper was shot dead by her ex-husband in 2008. After Paulette's death, Mr Cooley's life was made unbearable by an Internet smear campaign

Long journey: Gene Cooley speaks to CNN about having his name and reputation defamed on community news website Topix shortly after his fiancee was murdered by her ex-husband

Long journey: Gene Cooley speaks to CNN about having his name and reputation defamed on community news website Topix shortly after his fiancee was murdered by her ex-husband

Mr Cooley told MailOnline: 'Even though it was several years ago, it has been rough, to lose your best friend like that.'

When Mr Cooley took his fiancee's body to her home in Florida to lay her to rest, her family, whom he had never met, turned on him inexplicably.

He said: 'Paulette's parents asked me if I had a drug addiction or had been in rehab and I had no idea where it came from. I asked them if they wanted a background check and her father said he would.


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'I was so upset, I called my sister and she told me lies that I was a pervert were all over the Internet. I was devastated and went back to the cemetery to spend time with Paulette.'

It turned out that a poisonous online discussion had started about Mr Cooley soon after Paulette's death on a site called Topix.

Topix is the world’s largest community news website and a place for anonymous users to post their own stories or comment on articles featured on the page. It was created in 2007 to help bring information to small towns.

Defamatory: It was on this website Topix that a host of anonymous users were able to throw a slew of accusations around about Mr Cooley, calling him a pervert and a drug addict

Defamatory: It was on this website Topix that a host of anonymous users were able to throw a slew of accusations around about Mr Cooley, calling him a pervert and a drug addict

On a forum for his hometown of Blairsville in Georgia, numerous users had spread accusations  calling Mr Cooley a drug user and a pervert. There were also posts saying he should be kept away from children and even that he was an accomplice in his fiancee's murder.

The family were so convinced from what they read about their daughter's fiance, they barred him from her funeral. Even when a sheriff told the family that Mr Cooley's record was clean and the allegations were untrue, they still asked the grieving man to leave.

Mr Cooley said: 'These people were going to be my in-laws and they were kicking me out. Later, they changed their minds but it was too late - the damage had been done.

'Two days after my fiancee's funeral, I slept in a rental car on the beach in Florida.'

Because of the seriousness of the allegations against him, Mr Cooley lost his job as a barber and hair stylist.

Mr Cooley told MailOnline: 'Blairsville is a small community, maybe a mile square and it doesn't take long for news to travel from one side to the other.

'Because of my job I was well-known, I would say hello to everyone. I was fired because of the rumours and gossip and shunned out of the town.'

Moving on: Mr Cooley has now moved back to Blairsville to be with his first two sons, has a job and new friends. He is trying to make libelous Internet attacks a crime

Moving on: Mr Cooley has now moved back to Blairsville to be with his first two sons, has a job and new friends. He is trying to make libelous Internet attacks a crime

To escape the unwarranted attention in Blairsville, which has a population of around 700, Mr Cooley moved 200 miles away to Augusta where a friend Bruce Petett offered to take him in and help him start his life over.

A while later he sought the advice of an attorney, Russell Stookey - who knew little about Topix but agreed to take on the case.

Mr Stookey, who said his client was suicidal by the time he sought help, went to work to find out who the anonymous commentators were.


Topix is the world’s largest community news website and a place for users to post their own news stories or comment on stories featured on the page.

It has more than 360,000 edited news pages consisting of various sources including newspapers, blogs, radio & TV stations, government, magazines, and corporate information sites.

It was created in 2007 to bring news and information to small towns through articles and citizen reporting and open debate among users.

It averages around 125,000 posts a day.

He learned about the Internet Protocol (IP) address - which is like a fingerprint left behind by every device that accesses the internet.

Once he had the IP addresses in his possession from Topix, Mr Stookey was able to find out who the anonymous posters were - as each one is backed up by a telephone number and address from where the Internet was accessed.

Although there were more than one, the most poisonous posts were traced back to one woman - Sybil Denise Ballew.

Mr Cooley told MailOnline: 'I had no idea who she was.

'When we went to trial, I even said good morning to her and her husband sitting outside court because I didn't recognise them - before she went in and took the stand.'

They later figured out Ballew had worked with Mr Cooley ten years before at a general store and had taken a disliking to him.

Mr Cooley said: 'I also found out that she worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant Paulette and I would often go to but I didn't know her name.

He continued: 'Sybil Ballew is a person with hate in her heart. I have no idea what I did so terrible to tick off this person but I wasn't the only one. I had dozens of calls after the trial from people saying she had done the same to them. She even taunted an ex-boyfriend for ten years.'

In January 2010, more than two years after Paulette Harper's death, Ballew was tried on defamation charges.

I was fired because of the rumours and gossip and shunned out of the town.

Gene Cooley

She claimed she wanted to get revenge on Mr Cooley for inappropriate behavior towards her when they worked together and to protect Ms Harper's daughter from being around him after her murder.

When asked why she thought he was a pervert, she told the court: 'I watched him, and I can tell a pervert.

'Every time a pretty girl walked by, he would look at them. I get a feeling.'

Mr Cooley was eventually awarded $404,000 in civil court but said that he was not motivated by money but to restore his reputation and to protect those vulnerable to Internet hate campaigns and cyber bullying.

More importantly, Mr Cooley did it for Stephanie, now 13, who would have been his stepdaughter. He has not seen the girl since her mother's funeral in 2008.

He said: 'I did it for Stephanie to show her how much I love her and her mom.

'I also wanted to show Paulette's family that I am not the person I was made out to be.'

Mr Cooley and his lawyer were now campaigning to make libelous internet acts a crime.

'My ultimate goal is to save a life - if I can stop someone being slandered and this sort of thing ruining people's lives,' the father-of-two said.

'On other sites you have to register your details before you can make comments. It's disgusting that on Topix anyone can go on anonymously.

'You could go on a computer in Bangladesh and access the site for Blairsville, Georgia, put your few cents out there, then log off.'

Topix Chief Executive Officer Chris Tolles declined to be interviewed, but in a statement to ABC's 20/20, said: 'Topix pre-filters user commentary' and 'cooperates with law enforcement ... while being as respectful as possible with our user's privacy.'

Since the tragic events which shattered his life, Mr Cooley has moved back to Blairsville to be with his two sons and tries to move forward.

'All you can do is keep the faith and keep going. I know that one day I will see Paulette's beautiful smile again and be able to hold her.'

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