How old is Hamza Amin? When is Hamza Amin's birthday? Where is Hamza Amin born? Where did Hamza Amin grow up from? What's Hamza Amin's age?
Hamza Amin Born: 1987 (age 35years)
Hamza Amin Nationality: Austrian, Pakistani
Hamza Amin also happens to be Pakistan's style guru Tariq Amin's nephew.
\ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2695\ufe0f Part time Doctor.
Actor Ushna Shah said she first met her golfer-husband Hamza Amin through a director. The actor appeared on the ARY Digital show 'Shan-e-Suhoor,' where she talked about her marriage life to Hamza Amin. She said a friend, who told her about him, introduced her to the golf player.