All’s well that ends well … or not. Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars‘ season finale kicked off with the police trying to calm the storm that was Joey Gambino. ICYMI, Joey called Renee Graziano a whore, repeatedly. The next day, Renee broke down in tears to the We TV series’ Dr. V about how she allowed herself to be a doormat yet again. Meanwhile, Joe admitted to Dillon King that he “went nuts” the night before.
Everyone gathered in the main room, where extra security had been brought in to keep things under control. The experts said they were “appalled” by the way some of the couples had behaved, but they tried to set the stage for the big decision everyone had to make that night. “Should you or shouldn’t you be with the person you came here with?” Dr. V asked. Judge Lynn Toler then poked her head in and told Victor Tarrats that he needed to treat Gabi Victor with respect. He replied by saying Gabi wasn’t his woman, she was a “little bitch.” Charming.
Things Go From Bad to Worse
Then Gabi found out that Victor had hooked up with another girl at the club last night. She stormed over to him to tell him it hurt her feelings. He told her he didn’t believe it. “I would never disrespect you like that!” she shouted. “He’s playing the victim as usual.” Gabi wandered off with Dr. Ish, pretty dissatisfied with Victor’s behavior. Meanwhile, the guys told Victor they didn’t think he should stay with Gabi either. “If there’s a ring in your box, I think we’re all just going to smack you,” Dillon said.

Some Couples Thrive
Finally, it was time for the couples to determine their fates. They would announce their desire to stay together or break up by presenting their partner with a ring — or an empty box. After exchanging some kind words, Buck Thomas told PreMadonna he had finally made a decision about their future, and he wanted to set a date for their marriage.
J.P. Rosenbaum kicked things off with Ashley Hebert by giving her a rose, since she had always given him roses, and he’d never had a chance to give her one. He then told her, however, “I would be lying if I did not say that I was concerned about the monotony of falling back into our everyday lives. If you don’t start making me and our relationship a priority, I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the future.”
Ashley replied, saying, “For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m exactly where I wanted to be my whole life, and the biggest part of that is you. You always supported me throughout my whole career. You brought Ford into the world with me, and I thank you for that, but I realize that your perspective on life is very different than mine, and that adds to my anxiety. If you don’t work on your pessimistic outlook on life, I’m really scared that we’ll have more issues in the future.” When push came to shove, however, they both presented each other with their rings. “You are my number one,” Ashley said before kissing him.

Some Couples Crack
Things with Gabi and Victor didn’t end so well, though. Victor wanted to try to make it work (after they worked on themselves, but still). Gabi didn’t feel that way, however. “I love you to death, but I need to love me, and I don’t think I can be the best mom I can be with you,” Gabi said. “I have never in my life committed so much energy to another person,” Victor sighed, looking totally depleted.
Renee didn’t mince words when it came time to face Joe. “We’ve known each other a very long time, and all I really have to say is, I’m really happy that we came here, but I’m even happier to be going home without you,” she said, prompting Amy Duggar to pump her fist in the air in glory. Renee didn’t wait to hear what Joe had to say, and by the time he got back, she was ready. “I can stand here with all my dignity,” she said as he entered the room. He left promptly thereafter. “I just had to end it,” she said. “I feel 100 pounds lighter.”

Amy’s Ring Box for Dillon Is Empty
“You are my best friend. These 10 days have taught me so much,” Amy Duggar said. “But the lack of empathy, your tone and the lie-detector test really threw me for a loop.” Dillon said he “found her more beautiful” now than ever because he knew her on a different level, but he was concerned that she really might not want a family. Ultimately, Dillon opened his box, and Amy’s rings were in it. However, when she opened her box, it was empty … but only because she was wearing it on a chain around her neck! Psych!
As the season wrapped, PreMadonna announced that she and Buck were getting married in August, and everyone was invited (though hopefully not Joe).
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