How old is Michael Dean Perry? When is Michael Dean Perry's birthday? Where is Michael Dean Perry born? Where did Michael Dean Perry grow up from? What's Michael Dean Perry's age?
Michael Dean Perry Born: August 27, 1965 (age 57years), Aiken, South Carolina, United States
How about Michael Dean Perry's game_play?
Michael Dean Perry Game_play: 148
How about Michael Dean Perry's sibling?
Michael Dean Perry Sibling: William Perry, Robert Perry
How about Michael Dean Perry's education?
Michael Dean Perry Education: Clemson University, South Aiken High School, Aiken High School
How about Michael Dean Perry's nephew?
Michael Dean Perry Nephew: William Perry
How tall is Michael Dean Perry in meters or centimeters?
Michael Dean Perry Height: 1.85m
How about Michael Dean Perry's weight?
Michael Dean Perry Weight: 129kg
What happened to Michael Dean Perry?
He was named First-team All-Pro in 1989, and 1990, and Second-Team All-Pro in 1991, and 1994. He finished his career with 534 tackles, 61 sacks, and 13 forced fumbles. Michael Dean Perry currently lives with his wife in Charlotte, NC and owns A1 Transport.
How good was Michael Dean Perry?
In his decade-long professional career, he played in 138 games, recorded 29.5 sacks and recovered five fumbles that he returned for 71 yards. Michael Dean, also a defensive lineman, was a gridiron star in his own right.
What was Michael Dean Perry's nickname?
He was named First-team All-Pro in 1989, and 1990, and Second-Team All-Pro in 1991, and 1994. He finished his career with 534 tackles, 61 sacks, and 13 forced fumbles. Michael Dean Perry currently lives with his wife in Charlotte, NC and owns A1 Transport.
What position did Michael Dean Perry play?
Known for his remarkable quickness for a defensive lineman, Perry is regarded as one of the best defensive linemen in Browns history. Who else thinks we could use the run stuffing Michael Dean Perry?