Mongolian mummy buried in 'Adidas boots' 1,100 years ago

January 2024 ยท 7 minute read

Intriguing new details have emerged about a medieval mummy known for her 'Adidas' boots - which she wore more than a millennia ago. 

The body of the woman was discovered a year ago this week in the Altai mountains region of Mongolia.

And her body and possessions remained so remarkably preserved that experts are still uncovering some of the secrets they keep.

Now, scientists have discovered that the mummy suffered a significant blow to the head before her death.  

Scientists believe the body of a woman (pictured) found in April last year, died up to 1,100 years ago from a blow to the head 

Scientists believe the body of a woman (pictured) found in April last year, died up to 1,100 years ago from a blow to the head 

Archaeologists in Mongolia are slowly unwrapping the mummy of a suspected ancient woman found preserved in the Altai Mountains. So far only one hand and her feet in modern-looking boots (pictured) are visible, but experts believe the find dates to around 1,500 years ago The 1,500-year-old mummy is wearing what appears to be Adidas boots (snowboarding boots pictured)

When the images were first released one picture in particular (left) caused a stir online after comparisons were drawn with Adidas boots (snowboarding boots pictured right)


Experts from the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia believe the body of a woman found in April last year, died up to 1,100 years ago.

The cause of her death is believed to have been a serious head wound.

Despite the seemingly lavish possessions she was buried with, archaeologists believe she was an 'ordinary' woman, rather than an aristocrat or royal.

The Mongolian team have suggested she may have been a seamstress, due to a sewing kit and fine embroidery found on her clothing and belongings.

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The Mongolian woman - aged between 30 and 40 - hit headlines in April 2016, thanks to her modern-looking footwear, which some likened to a pair of trainers. 

In the intervening 12 months, scientists have been working to find out more about the mysterious Mongolian mummy.

And her trademark felt boots - boasting red and black stripes - have been carefully cleaned, with new pictures revealed today by The Siberian Times.

Experts from the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia now believe the woman died up to 1,100 years ago after suffering a serious head wound.

Initial examinations found that 'it was quite possible that the traces of a blow to the mummy's facial bones were the cause of her death'.

They are still seeking to verify the exact age of the burial, but they estimate it took place in the tenth century - more recently than originally thought. 


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Share 16k shares Her trademark felt boots - which were compared to Adidas trainers (pictured) - have been carefully cleaned and restored

Her trademark felt boots - which were compared to Adidas trainers (pictured) - have been carefully cleaned and restored

 New pictures of the leather boots - which feature red and black stripes and metal buckle work (pictured) - have been released

 New pictures of the leather boots - which feature red and black stripes and metal buckle work (pictured) - have been released

About the boots Galbadrakh Enkhbat, director of the Centre, said: 'With these stripes, when the find was made public, they were dubbed similar to Adidas shoes.

'In this sense, they are an interesting object of study for ethnographers, especially so when the style is very modern.' 

And one local fashion expert. quoted by Siberian Times, said: 'Overall they look quite kinky but stylish - I wouldn't mind wearing them now in a cold climate.

'Those high-quality stitches, the bright red and black stripes, the length - I would buy them now in no time.' 

The high altitude and cold climate helped to preserve both the woman's body and her belongings.

And a coating of Shilajit - a thick, sticky tar-like substance with a colour ranging from white to dark brown - that covered her body aided this process. 

Some skin and hair can be seen on her remains, which were wrapped in felt. 

Experts from the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia (pictured) have worked for the past 12 months to restore the times they found buried

Experts from the Centre of Cultural Heritage of Mongolia (pictured) have worked for the past 12 months to restore the times they found buried

This included a handbag, four changes of clothes, the 'Adidas' boots, and numerous practical and everyday objects (pictured)

This included a handbag, four changes of clothes, the 'Adidas' boots, and numerous practical and everyday objects (pictured)

The items of clothing found, like this jacket (pictured), were decorated with fine embroidery patterns

The items of clothing found, like this jacket (pictured), were decorated with fine embroidery patterns

The woman was buried alongside a number of her possessions - including a handbag and four changes of clothes.

A comb and a mirror from her beauty kit were also found, along with a knife.

Her horse and a saddle with metal stirrups in such good condition that it could be used today were buried as well. 

The Mongolian woman (pictured) is believed to have been aged between 30 and 40 when she died. Some skin and hair can be seen on her remains, which were wrapped in felt.

The Mongolian woman (pictured) is believed to have been aged between 30 and 40 when she died. Some skin and hair can be seen on her remains, which were wrapped in felt.

Despite her seemingly lavish possessions (pictued) archaeologists believe she was an 'ordinary' women of her time, rather than an aristocrat or royal

Despite her seemingly lavish possessions (pictued) archaeologists believe she was an 'ordinary' women of her time, rather than an aristocrat or royal

 Experts believe she may have been a seamstress, due to a variety of sewing equipment which was found inside her bag (pictured), as well as the embroidery on her clothing

 Experts believe she may have been a seamstress, due to a variety of sewing equipment which was found inside her bag (pictured), as well as the embroidery on her clothing

But despite her seemingly lavish possessions archaeologists believe she was an 'ordinary' women of her time, rather than an aristocrat or royal.

'Judging by what was found inside the burial, we guess that she was from an ordinary social strata,' added Mr Enkhbat.

'Various sewing utensils were found with her.

The preserved remains of a horse (pictured) were uncovered at the burial site

The preserved remains of a horse (pictured) were uncovered at the burial site

A saddle with metal stirrups (pictured) in such good condition that it could be used today were found alongside it 

A saddle with metal stirrups (pictured) in such good condition that it could be used today were found alongside it 

'This is only our guess, but we think she could have been a seamstress.' 

'Inside (her bag) was the sewing kit and since the embroidery was on both the bag and the shoes, we can be certain that the embroidery was done by locals.' 

The grave was unearthed at an altitude of 9,200ft (2,803 metres) and the woman is believed to be of Turkik origin. 

It appears to be the first complete Turkic burial in Central Asia. 


The first Turkic people occupied a region from Central Asia to Siberia from the 6th century BC.

The first mention of Turks was in a Chinese text that made reference to Turk tribes and Sogdians along the Silk Road.

The Turkic people developed their own alphabets, had their own language and are known for a number of symbols including wolves and the colour blue. 

In fact, some reports claim the word Turquoise originates from the word Turkish. 

Today, modern Turks live across Asia and eastern Europe. 

In 2003, DNA analysis revealed skeletons found in a 2,000-year-old tomb contained genes found in modern Turks. 

Two years ago, archaeologists found what they believed to be the grave of a Turkic warrior also in the Altai Mountains. 

Turks were buried with treasured possessions, known as 'grave goods' that they could take to the next world. 

In this 2014 discovery, what appeared to be a Turkic warrior was buried with a musical instrument, alongside his horse.  

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At the time of the discovery, commenters on Twitter and Facebook made a number of tongue-in-cheek claims that woman must be a time traveller.

One Twitter user jokingly quipped: 'Must be a time traveler. I knew we would dig one up sooner or later', another added: 'Huh? Time-travelling Mummy? Corpse interfered with?.'

Meanwhile, Facebook users said: 'Loooooool he's wearing a pair of gazelles', and 'Well I must admit, I've got a few pair but I ain't had them that long.'  

A host of possessions were found in the grave, offering a unique insight into life in medievMongolia.

A host of possessions were found in the grave including included a bridle, clay vase, wooden bowl, trough, iron kettle (all pictured), the remains of a horse, and ancient clothing There were also pillows, a sheep's head and felt travel bag (pictured) in which were placed the whole back of a sheep and goat bones

A host of possessions were found in the grave including included a bridle, clay vase, wooden bowl, trough, iron kettle (all pictured left), the remains of a horse, and ancient clothing. There were also pillows, a sheep's head and felt travel bag (right) in which were placed the whole back of a sheep and goat bones

The discovery also appears to be the first complete Turkic burial in Central Asia and the remains were found at an altitude of 9,200 feet. An elaborately embroidered bag is pictured

The discovery also appears to be the first complete Turkic burial in Central Asia and the remains were found at an altitude of 9,200 feet. An elaborately embroidered bag is pictured

These included a saddle, bridle, clay vase, wooden bowl, trough, iron kettle, the remains of an entire horse, and ancient clothing.

There were also pillows, a sheep's head and felt travel bag in which were placed the whole back of a sheep, goat bones and small leather bag designed to carry a cup.  

Archaeologists from the city museum in Khovd were alerted to the burial site by local herdsmen.

The Altai Mountains - where the burial was discovered - unite Siberia, in Russia, and Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. 

The grave was located 9,200 feet (2,803 meters) above sea level. This fact and the cool temperatures helped to preserve the grave, which sat 10ft deep (three metres). The location of the mountains is marked
