STORY COUNTY, Iowa — An Iowa high school wrestling champion originally charged with a felony as an adult for allegedly violating a victim with an object has reached a plea deal in the case.
Seventeen-year-old Kade Blume was charged with Assault-Penetration on November 5. A news release from the Story County Sheriff’s Office said in early 2022 Blume allegedly stripped the victim’s clothes off and violated them with a pencil.
Senior DMPD officer arrested for allegedly operating under the influenceBlume, a two-time state champion wrestler at Roland-Story High School, pleaded not guilty to the charge. In late November, his attorney filed a motion to have the case moved to juvenile court.
On Friday, court documents were filed stating a plea agreement had been reached between the Story County Attorney’s Office and Blume’s attorney that would waive his case to juvenile court, where Blume would plead guilty to the original charge.
The same day, the judge in the case filed an order officially transferring the case to juvenile court and canceling a previously scheduled hearing for December 12.
A Facebook post from Roland-Story Wrestling said Blume finished first in his weight class at the Saydel Invite, a tournament held this past weekend.