Internet Flips Over Size of the Lord's Dong

Internet Flips Over Size of the Lord's Dong

April 2024 · 2 minute read

What do Scott Disick and Don Draper have in common?

Several things, actually:

They’re both blackout drunks; they both have trouble keeping it in their pants; and the equipment that they struggle to keep sheathed is the subject of endless fascination on the Internet.

Yes, the year is young, but it looks like we already have a winner for the 2017 Jon Hamm Giant Penis Award.

The Lord himself, Scott Disick, stepped out wearing a pair of flattering sweatpants recently, and the world was immediately reminded that you can’t spell "Disick" with D-I-C-K.

You can check out Scott’s package for yourself, or you can enjoy several hundred words of in-depth analysis below.

Seems like an obvious choice, if you ask us:

Like the Bieber Wang before it, the Disick Dong proves that a genetic link between douchiness and 

So if you’re a young woman who’s considering kicking your habit of dating self-obsessed jack-holes and finding yourself one of those mythical "nice guys" – don’t do it!

Is the increase in your peace of mind worth the the absence of an extra-large helping of manmeat in your life?

We think not.

Sure, there’s been talk of Orlando Bloom having a bigger penis than Justin, but that might be the exception that proves the rule.

Citing that example is like saying, "Where’s your climate change now, Obummer?" on a cold day in January.

We have no choice but to defer to the scientific community on such important and complex matters, and right now, all we know is that 100% of the two biggest jerk-asses in Hollywood are packing between the legs.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Oh, what about Jon Hamm? I heard he’s a nice guy."

To which we reply, "You’re wrong, and Hamm is reportedly kind of a DB."

We rest our case.

Anyway, let’s get to the really important matter here, which is what all this tells us about Kourtney Kardashian’s vagina:

In short: it’s clearly magic.

The latest reports have Kourtney hooking up with Bieber again, just weeks after her latest reconciliation with Disick crashed and burned.

The Good, The Bad, The Lord: 23 Times Scott Disick Owned Reality TV


When two of the industry’s most sizable douche dongs just can’t stay away from your hoo-hah, you’re clearly working with something special down here.

We’ll have further updates on these supernatural celebrity genitals as more information becomes available.
