How old is Sophie Skelton? When is Sophie Skelton's birthday? Where is Sophie Skelton born? Where did Sophie Skelton grow up from? What's Sophie Skelton's age?
Sophie Skelton Born: 1994 (age 29years), Woodford, United Kingdom
Sophie Skelton Height: 5 8
Sophie Skelton Parents: Ruth Skelton, Simon Skelton
Skelton's television debut came in 2012 when she played Becca Smith in two episodes of the TV series "DCI Banks" (ITV 2010- ).
Skelton's television debut came in 2012 when she played Becca Smith in two episodes of the TV series "DCI Banks" (ITV 2010- ).
Skelton's television debut came in 2012 when she played Becca Smith in two episodes of the TV series "DCI Banks" (ITV 2010- ).