Taylor Swift, 31, is basking in the glow of her iHeartRadio win — literally! The Folklore singer laid on the grass as she soaked up the sun in a new Instagram post shared on Friday, May 28. She wore a vintage pair of Levi’s short overalls in the photo, which eagle eyed fans noticed she also wore in her Miss Americana documentary on Netflix. She added a black tank underneath from Aritzia’s Sunday Best label, and kept her hair in a braid, just like on the cover of Evermore.
Her most recent album was placed right next to her as she looked candidly to the side, as she promoted the album’s vinyl release. “*Clover blooms in the fields/spring breaks loose/the time is near…,*,” she began, quoting lyrics from the album’s tune “Ivy.” She added, “EVERMORE ALBUM VINYL IS OUT TODAY!! You can get it at your fav indie record store, Target, Walmart & Amazon… and if you’re feeling even more generous, go ahead and stream it too! That would be cool!”
The release comes hot off the heels of Taylor winning the Pop Album of the Year award at the iHeartRadio Music Awards. The country-turned-pop star opted to make a virtual appearance as she accepted the trophy. “Thank you to the fans for making this album what it was, because we all needed to escape into stories — whether it was movies or TV or film or music — and the fact you chose this album, I am so honored by that,” she said to fans. “You really wrapped your arms around it — the way that someday, we’ll be able to wrap our arms around each other when we see each other again. Sending the biggest hug…for you. I love you,” she added, moving her arms into a hug position.
As always, Taylor’s fashion game was on point for the award show appearance. She stunned in a floral metallic dress for her appearance by Hemant and Nandita, adding a vintage vibe with the ‘Olivia Button Earrings’ by Larkspur & Hawk. The look totally fit the throwback looks of both Folklore and Evermore, right down to the braid crown hair style.