Bouchra Benaissa's unusual
colouring is typical of the Berber
people who dwell in the area
where her family have lived for
They are unusual among
African people for having a
strong blonde gene.
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About 19million Berbers live in Morocco, where they
make up almost a third of the
Many of their ancient ancestors
were Europeans - some of whom
were brought to North Africa as
They also have lighter skin
than many other Moroccans.
The predominance of blondes in
this African desert region might
explain why so many tourists
claim to have seen Madeleine.
Abdul Jamoussi, a spokesman at
the Moroccan embassy in
London, said: "The people of
northern Morocco are often
"Because it is so close to Europe, it is a melting pot
of cultures."
Footballer Zinedine Zidane is a Berber, and while he is not quite blonde he could easily be mistaken for a European.
