North Carolina college shooter Kenneth Stancii shot dead Ron Lane for sexually abusing relative

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

A white supremacist gunned down his gay boss for sexually abusing one of his young relatives, he told the court during his first appearance on Tuesday.

'Doing time's the easy part, you know what I'm saying?' Kenneth Morgan Stancil III, 20, said as he was ushered out of the courtroom in Daytona Beach, Florida.

He is accused of walking into Wayne County Community College in Goldsboro, North Carolina on Monday and killing his former supervisor, Ronald Lane, 44, before fleeing on a motorbike.

He was arrested more than 500 miles away early on Tuesday after officers found him sleeping on a Florida beach. He will be extradited back to North Carolina to face a charge of open murder. 

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In court: Kenneth Stancil, pictured in court on Tuesday, said he 'ridded one last child molester from the Earth' as he appeared before the judge in Daytona Beach, Florida. He is accused of killing his former boss

In court: Kenneth Stancil, pictured in court on Tuesday, said he 'ridded one last child molester from the Earth' as he appeared before the judge in Daytona Beach, Florida. He is accused of killing his former boss

Outspoken: Even though he was advised of his right to remain silent, he reportedly admitted to the killing

Outspoken: Even though he was advised of his right to remain silent, he reportedly admitted to the killing

On Tuesday, he appeared relaxed in the courtroom and, despite the judge advising him he had the right to remain silent, he admitted to the killing, WRAL reported.

He confessed to the shooting in an obscenity-laced statement, saying he 'ridded one last child molester from the Earth', according to the station.

He said Lane, who had been his supervisor at the college's print shop until Stancil was fired last month, had been 'messing with' one of Stancil's family members.


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Stancil did not file a report about the alleged molestation with local authorities, according to the Wayne County sheriff's office.

After Stancil was denied bond, he told the judge he did not blame him for the decision, and he was assigned a public defender.

The 20-year-old had been a work-study student who reported to Lane, but he was dismissed from the program in March because of too many absences, according to the college.   

Arrested:  Kenneth Morgan Stancil III, 20, left, was arrested sleeping on a Florida beach early on Tuesday, nearly 24 hours after shooting dead his former work-study supervisor Ron Lane Ron Lane, who was shot dead at work on Monday morning

Arrested: Stancil, left, shot dead his former work-study supervisor Ron Lane, right. The student, who was close to completing his three-year welding course with top marks, was dismissed from his job last month

Stancil pictured with his mother Debbie at his graduation. She said he is 'rattled and confused and needs mental help'. The mother also claimed that the victim had made sexually laced comments to her son

By his side: Stancil's mother Debbie, pictured at his graduation, said Lane had made unwanted sexual comments towards her son, but she denied her son's claim that Lane had abused a young relative

Tragedy: Lane is pictured right with his long-term boyfriend, Chuck Tobin, who took his life last year

Tragedy: Lane is pictured right with his long-term boyfriend, Chuck Tobin, who took his life last year

Police have said they are investigating the shooting as a possible hate crime. Authorities would not elaborate but they confirmed Lane was gay.

They are also investigating Stancil's possible links with white supremacist groups.

On Facebook, he describes his interests as 'white pride' and calls himself the 'White Knight'. 

He also has multiple white supremacist tattoos across his body, including 'Brother Hood'across his neck and '88' beneath his eye. The number eight represents the eighth letter in the alphabet - H - and so is 88 understood to stand for 'Heil Hitler'.

But his mother has claimed her son's tattoos marked a wannabe rather than someone with neo-Nazi beliefs.

Lane had worked at the college for 18 years. His boyfriend of 12 years, Chuck Tobin, took his life last July after leaving their home and his remains were found in November.

Stancil's mother, Debbie, has claimed that Lane had fired her son without notice and claimed that he had 'made inappropriate sexual advances toward' him. 

Remembered: Students gather at a memorial at Wayne Community College for Ron Lane on Tuesday

Remembered: Students gather at a memorial at Wayne Community College for Ron Lane on Tuesday

Memorial: Flowers are seen at a makeshift memorial for Lane, who had worked at the college for 18 years

Memorial: Flowers are seen at a makeshift memorial for Lane, who had worked at the college for 18 years

'He was verbally inappropriate with [him[ at school. Very much verbally inappropriate,' she said. 'He would tell him to stop and he kept on.' 

But she said she knows the relative was not sexually abused by Lane, as Stancil claimed in court, because the child and Lane had never met.

She said she believes her son made the accusations because he is 'rattled and confused'.

She also said that her son never recovered after finding his father in the backyard when he had killed himself in 2009, and said he was angry after being dismissed from his campus job.

'He had a moment of insanity,' she told the Associated Press. 'I don't know. He just snapped. That is not my son. He's probably out of his mind. I think he needs mental help.'

Stancil had no criminal record before the shooting. 

Take over: A military style SWAT vehicle from the Johnston County Sheriff's Office arrived at the college after the 8am shooting on Monday. It is believed that Stancil targeted Lane before fleeing the building

Take over: A military style SWAT vehicle from the Johnston County Sheriff's Office arrived at the college after the 8am shooting on Monday. It is believed that Stancil targeted Lane before fleeing the building

Evacuated: Students were seen congregating in the college parking lot on Monday morning

Evacuated: Students were seen congregating in the college parking lot on Monday morning

Swoop: Authorities enter the home Stancil shares with his mother and two younger brothers on Monday

Swoop: Authorities enter the home Stancil shares with his mother and two younger brothers on Monday

He was on the school's dean's list with a grade point average of 3.6 or better and due to graduate in July with a degree in welding technology, the school said. 

He was a Boy Scout who wrote in the letter he left explaining his deed that he still hoped to marry his girlfriend, his mother said.

After fleeing the scene on Monday, Stancil was arrested at 1.20 am on Tuesday in Daytona Beach, Florida as a massive manhunt continued in North Carolina.

He was taken into custody after deputies from the Volusia County Beach Patrol approached him for violating an ordinance that prohibits sleeping on the beach. 

'I can say with confidence that Mr. Stancil had a calculated plan, and he carried out that plan,' Goldsboro police Sergeant Jeremy Sutton said during a Tuesday news conference. 
